Delaware County Sheriff DuMond Elected Conference “Sergeant of Arms”
Delaware County Sheriff Craig S. DuMond was elected by his fellow NYS Sheriffs as Sergeant of Arms of the New York State Sheriff’s Association winter conference held in Albany, NY January 21-24, 2018. Sergeant at Arms is an Officer position within the NYS Sheriff’s Association. Sheriff DuMond also serves on the Executive and Legislative Affairs Committees within the organization as well as the Homeland Security and Drug Enforcement Committees of the National Sheriff’s Association.
Speaking on the election, Sheriff DuMond remarked “I am humbled and honored to receive the support and confidence of my fellow Sheriffs from across New York State. I promise to work diligently to represent the best interests of our Association as well as the people of Delaware County and all across New York State.
The New York State Sheriffs’ Association is a not-for-profit corporation formed for the purpose of assisting sheriffs in the efficient and effective delivery of services to the public. It comprises all 58 elected and appointed sheriffs of the State of New York. Since 1934, the Sheriffs’ Association has helped New York’s sheriffs to serve and protect the citizenry through member-supported training programs, accreditation, legislative advocacy, and public safety programs.ALBANY – Delaware County Sheriff Craig S. DuMond was elected by his fellow NYS Sheriffs as Sergeant of Arms of the New York State Sheriff’s Association winter conference held in Albany, NY January 21-24, 2018. Sergeant at Arms is an Officer position within the NYS Sheriff’s Association. Sheriff DuMond also serves on the Executive and Legislative Affairs Committees within the organization as well as the Homeland Security and Drug Enforcement Committees of the National Sheriff’s Association.
Speaking on the election, Sheriff DuMond remarked “I am humbled and honored to receive the support and confidence of my fellow Sheriffs from across New York State. I promise to work diligently to represent the best interests of our Association as well as the people of Delaware County and all across New York State.
The New York State Sheriffs’ Association is a not-for-profit corporation formed for the purpose of assisting sheriffs in the efficient and effective delivery of services to the public. It comprises all 58 elected and appointed sheriffs of the State of New York. Since 1934, the Sheriffs’ Association has helped New York’s sheriffs to serve and protect the citizenry through member-supported training programs, accreditation, legislative advocacy, and public safety programs.