Delaware County COVID-19 Update: No New Cases
Delaware County is reporting no new cases of COVID-19 today and no additional recoveries.
In a press release, the department stated: "The known active cases in the County remains 9. Thank you to everyone for helping bring the numbers down which has allowed Delaware County to begin the important step of restarting our local economy. We must remain vigilant because the disease is still in the County.
Continue to wash your hands, sanitize your work space, keep 6 feet apart or wear face coverings in order to reduce the risk of further spread. Together we will keep the Southern Tier open and moving through the next phases.
To date there have been 65 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Delaware County, with an additional 6 people under mandatory quarantine and 2 people under precautionary quarantine. There have been 1293 negative results reported and we are waiting for results from 23 tests. Of the active cases in Delaware County 3 are isolated and receiving medical care in a hospital, 6 are isolated and recovering safely at their homes, 4 people are deceased and 52 have fully recovered and are no longer in isolation."