Consider a ‘Staycation’ For Memorial Day Weekend
What a year this has been! For the past 14 months most Americans will admit to have been feeling pretty cooped up. It is expected that this Memorial Day Weekend will see a huge return to holiday travel. With the pandemic slowing down, COVID safety protocols changing almost weekly, vaccinations increasing daily, and most schools, businesses and events returning to "normal," this will be a busy weekend on the roads and in the air.
"Staycation" is a word that we have all learned about over this past year or so. A staycation is a vacation close to home. While certainly there are people who will be traveling far and wide, to get out and feel the freedom again, to visit family members they haven't seen for a long time, or just to relax at a beach or a mountain resort, many others will stay close to home this year.
And that is good. Our local economy has been hammered with the COVID shutdowns and while we encourage all of our listeners to get out and enjoy the weekend, we also ask that you keep our local businesses in mind. The hotels, amusement parks, museums, tourist destinations and restaurants in Upstate New York would sure appreciate it if you spent this weekend enjoying a staycation right in our region.
According to AAA, 34 million Americans are planning a Memorial Day road trip. If you want any travel information we encourage you to visit AAA of Oneonta by CLICKING HERE.
Happy motoring.....but try a staycation this year!
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