Coleen Moore Promoted at OHS; Replaces Tom Brindley
Oneonta Middle School Principal Coleen Moore is being promoted to district director of Curriculum & Instruction, succeeding Tom Brindley who will become superintendent July 1, School Board President Bill Gau announced at tonight’s board meeting.
The current superintendent, Joseph Yelich, will retire on June 30, setting the changes in motion..
“I just want to say how appreciative and fortunate we are,” Brindley said the Moore’s promotion. “She has a level of expertise that will serve the district many years to come. Congratulations.”
Moore has worked for the district for over 20 years. She started as a student assistant teacher, taught sixth grade, worked as a library media specialist, and became the middle school’s principal in 2015.
She said she is excited and grateful for the opportunity to be the district’s next curriculum and instruction director.
“I’ve always enjoyed professional development and working with teachers,” said Moore. “As a principal, you don’t do as much of that work. I’m glad to work with the entire teachers’ district.”