Clark Sports Center Seeks Fetterman Award Nominations
This award is given in memory of Patrick C. Fetterman, long-time associate director of the ACC Gymnasium/Clark Sports Center. Recipients are honored for their dedication to serving local youth, especially in the area of athletics.
Please send nominations to Brenda Wedderspoon-Gray, Clark Sports Center, Box 850, Cooperstown NY 13326. Or drop off letter of nomination at sports center. The deadline is Sept. 1.
The Clark Sports Center will make a presentation of this award at a special gathering of friends, family and members of the community. This date will be set by the Sports Center at the convenience of both the Sports Center and the recipient.
A trophy sculpted by Fred Blatt, local artist, is on display in the trophy case and each year the recipient’s name is added to the engraved plate on the trophy. The recipient also receives a plaque to keep.
Through the award, the Clark family, its foundation and the sports center, seeking to show appreciation to a community members for all he/she has done for youth and athletics.
For more on this story visit our publishing partner at AllOtsego.com
Past honorees include:
Lavern “Beanie” Ainslie
Jack Vineyard
Ted Kantorowski
Malcolm Brooks
Jerry Townsend
Don Howard
2000 Dick White
2001 Pat & Ed Hazzard
2002 Sharky Nagelschmidt
2003 Frank Miosek
2004 Ted Spencer
2005 Mr. Terry Bliss
2006 Dave Adsit
2007 Bob Snyder
2008 Connie Herzig
2009 Brenda Wedderspoon-Gray
2010 Paul Lambert
2011 Bruce Andrews
2012 Brenda Jaeger
2013 Dave Bliss
2014 Mark Rathbun
2015 Bobby Hall
2016 Mike Perrino
2017 Bud Lippitt
2018 John Lambert