Chenango County Fair Cancels, First Time in 173 Years
In a message on their website, directors of the Chenango COunty Fair announced that they are cancelling this year's fair:
"The Board of Directors of the Chenango County Agricultural Society met on June 15, 2020, and with regret have canceled the 2020 Chenango County Fair.
Trying to implement the plans for this year and presenting a safe environment for fair-goers, participation of vendors, our wonderful volunteers and Coleman Brothers Carnival and exhibitors was our primary consideration. After considering the current known issues related to the COVID health crisis and the unknown factors for our Southern Tier Region in the future weeks, we determined we had no recourse but to cancel.
This would have been our 173rd annual event since the formation of our Not For Profit Corporation in 1847. We look forward to using the year to plan a bigger and better Fair for August, 2021 dates of August 10th 15th."
The Otsego and Delaware County fairs are still on as of this time. To see a complete list of the status of ALL New York State fairs CLICK HERE.