CADE Promotes New ‘ripeCommunity’ Online Platform
When you were in school did you wish that the school cafeteria served fresh fruits and vegetables in their meals? Maybe products that were produced from a farm just up the road from the school? Well, the Center for the Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship is encouraging you to check out their new program called ripeCommunity.
This program aims to hook up local food processes, farms, and food business with local institutions. Among those that will benefit are schools, nursing homes, correctional facilities, hospitals, colleges and universities, and a multitude of other institutions. The program will offer a network bank of businesses and institutions and urge them to join together to bring fresh foods and produce to these places where large numbers of people live, stay or gather. There are many options for buying farm fresh foods and it is hoped that this new program, ripeCommuntiy, will act as a clearinghouse, a single website source, bringing all parties together so choices can be made that fit each particular institution or organization's special needs.
The website will include such provider information as location, farm size, growing practices and distance. Each food provider will be highlighted in a comprehensive profile for view before any arrangements are made.
We think this is a win/win situation. Institutions will avail themselves of healthy new foods to provide their clients, and local farms and food sources will find a new way to market their products.
If you would like more information on the Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship and this exciting new program ripeCommunity, please visit their website at cadefarms.org./ripecommunity.