Brindisi Says ‘No’ to Another Run For Congress
It looks like there will be no re-match in the future for the race for Congress from the 22nd Congressional District. As we all remember, the last race was a bruiser between Rep. Anthony Brindisi and GOP candidate Claudia Tenney. Long after all of the other congressional races in the entire country were called, the Brindisi vs. Tenney match up went "uncalled" for weeks after the election day in November.
Ballots were counted and recounted. At any given time either one of the candidates could be found clawing their way up the ballot count to be on top, only to find their numbers decrease later. Finally, after much analysis, Claudia Tenney was declared the certified winner, defeating the incumbent Democrat Brindisi by just a small handful of votes.
It looks like another Democrat will now get a crack at taking back the seat in 2022.
Today, former Congressman Anthony Brindisi announced he will not be running for Congress in 2022.
“I’ve called Upstate New York my home my entire life and it was a true honor serving the people of New York’s 22nd Congressional district. We accomplished a lot in two short years — from expanding mental health care for our veterans and active duty personnel to ensuring our tax dollars go towards supporting American manufacturing and jobs. This is a crucial time in my kids’ lives, with my son starting high school and daughter entering her final year of elementary school. I’ve missed a lot, and want to be closer to my family. I've decided I will not be running for Congress again in 2022. I want to thank everyone for their continued support, and know that I’ll still be an advocate for this community, regardless of if I’m a Congressman, Assemblyman, neighbor or friend.”
The 22nd Congressional District includes eight counties from Lake Ontario to the Southern Tier, including, Broome, Chenango, Cortland, Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Oswego and Tioga Counties.
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