This is the press release we just received at CNYNEWS:

“In early February, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer by my physicians at Bassett Healthcare in Cooperstown.  On Wednesday, I underwent successful surgery at Albany Medical Center where I will remain a patient for a few days.“My physicians have advised me that the cancer was found in its earliest stages, is completely curable, and that I can expect to make a full recovery.

“While I will be briefly absent from my senate duties, my offices will remain fully functional and my staff will continue to assist my constituents with their concerns, issues and state-related matters.  During this period, I will remain engaged and fully up to date on the state and local issues that affect the 51st senatorial district.

 “I am looking forward to a complete and full recovery in a matter of weeks and eagerly anticipate resuming my regular active senate schedule on behalf of my constituents and throughout a busy campaign season.”

From all of us...."Good Luck, Jim!"