Ron Galley
Rebuilding of Walton’s First Baptist Church Begins
The groundbreaking ceremony has taken place for the rebuilding of the First Baptist Church in Walton, Delaware County.
Old-Fashioned Fun for the Walton Theatre’s 100th Year
The Gardiner Place Historic Festival will take place on Saturday, June 14 (Flag Day) from 10 am till 2 pm in Walton.
Walton Senior Send-Off Raises Money for Charity
Walton Central School District held its Annual Student Council Senior Send-Off Powder Puff game last Friday night.
Delaware County Man Charged with Assault, Resisting Arrest
On Saturday May 31st Walton Village Police arrested 47-year-old Jonathan T. Bakker.
Arson, Assault, and a Bench Warrant in Delaware County
On May 21st, Walton Village Police arrested Bernadette T. Elston, 48, of Walton on a charge of arson, 4th degree. She was arraigned in Walton Village Court and sent to the Delaware County Jail on $500 cash bail.
Delhi’s Covered Bridge Walk and Run Coming Up
The Delhi Covered Bridge Run, consisting of a 5K Health Walk, a 5K Run, and a 10K Run, will take place on Saturday June 7th in Delhi, Delaware County.
Delaware County Supervisor Delivers Warning to Drug Dealers
The following is a message for residents of Delaware County from Delaware County Board of Supervisors Chairman, Jim Eisel:
Delaware County School District Voting Results
Delaware County went to the polls yesterday to decide the fate of school budgets, elect school board members, and make decisions on large purchases.
Walton Gets Ready to Vote on School Budget
Walton Central School District Board of Education met Tuesday May 6th for the planned budget hearing.
Delhi’s American Legion Post Reaches Out to Veterans
The Delhi American Legion post in Delaware County is reaching out to veterans, and reminding people of the benefits of membership and the services they offer.