ATV Accident Claims Life of Stamford Man
CNY News just received this press release from the Delaware County Sheriff's Office:
Delaware County Sheriff’s Office
Craig S. DuMond
Acting Sheriff
280 Phoebe Lane Suite #1
Delhi, New York 13753
September 25th, 2017
At approximately 12:30 a.m. on Monday morning, September 25, 2017, Delaware County Sheriff’s Deputies and members of the Stamford, Hobart and Jefferson Fire Departments and Emergency Squads responded to a report of a fatal all-terrain vehicle accident on a riding trail in Town of Stamford.
The accident was discovered and reported by other ATV riders who happened upon the accident while riding in the area.
Preliminary investigation by Deputies revealed that Daniel P. Reed, 27, of Stamford, was riding a side-by-side utility vehicle when he lost control of the vehicle which subsequently overturned. Reed, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was ejected from the vehicle and suffered fatal injuries.
Although the investigation into the accident is ongoing, Deputies believe excessive speed and failure to wear a seat belt were contributing factor.