Polar Express Santa Train Rides have been getting more and more common on the heels of the hit book and classic movie The Polar Express."  Many of these special trains feature the same highlights such as a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, a group of elves, some hot chocolate and homemade cookies, and story-telling.  Others go a little bit extra (see the one below that gives out little silver bells just like they did in the movie).  These trains are all charming, but beware.  They fill up very quickly so use the links in each post to get a seat on a Polar Express train for your and your children now!

"All Aboard" These Upstate NY Polar Express Trains for December

Since the classic book "The Polar Express" came out years ago (and the movie, too) these Christmas trains have become more and more popular throughout the country. There are several Polar Express train rides around the Upstate New York region, as well as other Santa-themed rides too. They all feature an appearance by Jolly Old St. Nick himself as well as fun, games, gifts, elves, hot chocolate and cookies. These are extremely popular so click on the links in the posts and reserve your seat now!

An Upstate New York Food Hall of Fame