Each Saturday, our community affairs radio program "This Week in Central New York" provides three interviews with guests from Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego Counties. This show airs on this Townsquare Media station in the tri-county area from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. This past Saturday’s featured guests included:

  • Jessica Marx, Chairman and artist in “Light Up Cherry Valley”, an artist holiday display in empty Cherry Valley store fronts.
  • Greg Klein, Board President of Film COOP (The Cooperstown, Oneonta, Otsego County Film Partnership, Inc.). Klein talked about this new nonprofit organization he started that aims to promote Otsego County as a great place to film movies.
  • Annette Naudin, author of Rocky Owl children’s book called "How the Little Saw-whet Got Her Name", based on the saw-whet owl made famous by hiding in this year's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree as it traveled from West Oneonta to New York City. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the animal sanctuary (Ravensbeard Wildlife Center) that nursed "Rocky the Owl" back to health after his ordeal in the tree.

Read More: Preview of Dec. 19 'This Week in Central NY' Radio Show | https://cnynews.com/preview-of-dec-19-this-week-in-central-ny-radio-show/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

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