A Re-Cap of “This Week in Central New York”
Join us each Saturday morning on all 11 of our radio stations for "This Week in Central New York." The show airs at 7:00 am.
On this past week's show (April 11):
Leslie Ann talked with Jeff O'Handley from the Otsego County Conservation Association. They discussed the upcoming Earth Festival (virtual).
Big Chuck interviewed Jessica Moquin, the director of the Chenango County Historical Society. She told us about ongoing developments in the museum during this difficult time when the public is not allowed inside. She told an amazing story about Norwich and a connection to Walt Disney Productions!
Leslie Ann wrapped up the show with a visit with Cathy Lynch OHS SADD Advisor. They discussed the changes in the upcoming SADD Strides for Safety event.
Join us every Saturday morning for "This Week in Central New York"