A Re-Cap of “This Week in Central New York”
Join us every Saturday morning at 7:00 for our community affairs program "This Week in Central New York."
On this past week's show (August 24):
Big Chuck talked with Valerie Adams. She is the Volunteer Coordinator for the United Way of Delaware and Otsego Counties. She tells us of upcoming events including the popular mass food distribution. Hundreds have taken advantage of this wonderful free food opportunity each month.
Leslie Ann chatted with Benjamin Rider from FOR-DO (Friends of Recovery for Delaware and Otsego Counties). The group offers great support to those who need it in our area and they have several big events coming up including the Rothenberger Road to Recovery Run.
Big Chuck wrapped up this week's show with a visit from Katrina Van Zandt. She is with Destination Oneonta and Katrina gave us the details of the big Susquehanna Balloon Festival coming up on 8-30 to 9--1-2019. This will be the event's 14th year!
Join us this and every other Saturday morning for our show "This Week in Central New York."