A Preview of “This Week in Central New York”
Join us every Saturday morning at 7:00 for our community affairs program "This Week in Central New York."
On this week's show (Nov. 30):
Major Roger J. Compton stopped by from the Salvation Army. Big Chuck asked him about their mission, some upcoming events as well as the holiday bell-ringing campaign.
Leslie Ann talked with Sonja Galley. She is a volunteer with the Otsego County Dog Program. They have a fundraiser, "Pets Pictures with Santa" coming up.
And Big Chuck wraps up the show with a visit with Liz Jacob-Carter and Brian Bendlin. They are co-coordinators of the 32nd Annual "Cookies and Crafts" fundraiser at the Unitarian Universalist Church. This year's event promises to be the biggest one yet!
Join us each Saturday at 7:00 am for this show.