2013 Oneonta Fishing Derby Set for Saturday
A fishing derby was created by Dutch Damaschke 56 years ago in the city of Oneonta and it continues to be me a much anticipated annual event at Hodges Pond in Neahwa Park.
Steve "Lefty" Andrews, city recreation director, says the annual fishing derby scheduled for tomorrow is a great family event.
"Kids need to be at least 5 years of age and no older than 15 years old to participate," Andrews said. "It's a catch and release program. What we do, is fish for one hour -- we start a 4 p.m. -- then we award trophies to the winners. Everybody gets a prize."
All participants must provide their own pole, bait, lures, and a clean bucket. The annual derby is presented by the Oneonta City Recreation Department and the Susquehanna Bass Association.