Even in an abbreviated Summer concert season, tens of thousands of people attended shows around the Capital Region. Most of us got away unscathed while several hundred became the target of "Operation Prevent".

According to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles, "Operation Prevent" was put in place, mostly at concert venues, to crack down on the use of fake ID's. The DMV investigators teamed up with venues, promoters and local law enforcement to deter underage drinking. It's impossible to say how many total fake ID's were used this Summer but we can show you how many were caught.

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  • Capital Region - 16 Citations / 20 ID Seizures
  • Finger Lakes - 225 Citations / 175 ID Seizures
  • New York Total - 330 Citations / 291 ID Siezures

It has been great to see the many outdoor concert venues open again, and DMV remains committed to ensuring that those who go can enjoy themselves without the dangers of underage drinking and the potential of impaired driving that can result, - DMV Commissioner Mark J.F. Schroeder

My concert checklist is much different today than it was when I was in high school. Back in the 80's it was about having $10 cash to but a bootleg shirt outside the venue, having a lighter to help light up the arena during the ballad and it meant a party in the parking lot before heading in.

Going to a concert at 54 years-of-age is a bit different. Today I make sure I have my ear plugs so my Tinnitus doesn't get worse, I hope nobody over 5 foot 7 "sits" in-front of me and I try to beat the traffic home.

Be safe New York. The venue beer prices would be enough for me to not get a fake ID.

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