The Arc Otsego To Host Free Self-Direction Information Session
Oneonta, NY (November 22, 2016) – The Arc Otsego will host a free Self-Direction Information Session on Monday, Jan. 30, 2017 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at The Arc Otsego, 35 Academy Street, Oneonta, NY. Individuals with developmental disabilities and their families who are looking for more authority and choice in their supports and services will benefit from attending this session. Professionals in the field will also benefit from learning about self-direction.
The informational session, led by Cynthia Spann and Vanessa Smith, Self-Direction Liaisons from OPWDD’s Broome Developmental Disabilities Regional Office, covers what self-direction is, what can be included in self-directed supports and services, and provides an overview of the process of becoming truly self-directed. Participants will learn how self-direction might benefit them. Representatives from The Arc Otsego’s You Direct program will also be present to answer questions.
Pre-registration is appreciated, but not required. Guests are asked to pre-register by calling 607-267-3210 no later than Friday, January 27. For more information, contact Marty Kuhn, You Direct Manager at 607-267-3210 or kuhnm@arcotsego.org.