New York Assembly's 245.8 billion budget aims to boost quality of life by lowering taxes, enhancing education, healthcare, housing, transportation, and aiding those in need.
Curious about how to express your political views without breaking voting laws in New York State? Learn the guidelines set by the NYS Board of Elections.
Congressman Richard Hanna says presidential candidate Donald Trump's suggestion that Muslims not be allowed to enter the United States is "un-American, ill-advised dangerous."
Trump on December 7 called for a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the country until officials "can figure out what is going on...
There were many interesting stories that came out of Tuesday's national election. None is more inspiring than that of Congresswoman-elect Tammy Duckworth (D-ILL).
She was born in Thailand (her father is American) in 1968 and came to this country when she was sixteen...