
WNY Golf Course Mandates Breathalyzer For Players
WNY Golf Course Mandates Breathalyzer For Players
WNY Golf Course Mandates Breathalyzer For Players
The new rules at one popular Western New York golf course have caused quite a controversy. There were new rules that were posted on their website and sent out to leagues that are soon starting. There is going to be a breathalyzer test that golfers must take if they want to have a chance to get their mandatory corkage fee that every player must pay.
Golf For Delaware County Kids
Golf For Delaware County Kids
Golf For Delaware County Kids
SUNY Delhi Business and Professional Golf Management majors are teaching over 3,000 kindergartners through 12th graders in Delaware County the lifetime sport of golf through the college's Golf in Schools program. Delhi students will provide two days of golf instruction to each area school under the direction of PGM Program Director Tom Philion...

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