Does New York State Allow A Person To Be Buried With Their Pet?Does New York State Allow A Person To Be Buried With Their Pet?Several states do allow a human to be buried with their pet, but there may be certain laws, restrictions, and regulations to abide by. Don MorganDon Morgan
Is It Illegal To Cut Off A Funeral Procession In New York State? Is It Illegal To Cut Off A Funeral Procession In New York State? We've all been stuck behind one or held up at an intersection where a procession is slowly travelling through even though the traffic signal is green in your direction.Don MorganDon Morgan
New York Increases Restitution for Victims of CrimeNew York Increases Restitution for Victims of CrimeVictims of crime in New York State will be able to get more money to replace property that was stolen, damaged or destroyed during the incident.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte