Although the weather is still warm, flu vaccines are already showing up for the 2013-14 flu season.
October is the best time to get vaccinated, and local drug stores are beginning to receive and offer flu shots.
The flu season may be winding down, but it’s not too soon to start thinking about the next one and what all of us must do differently if we are to avoid a repeat of the epidemic of the past few months.
On Saturday Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a public health emergency due to the flu, which suspended a state law that limits pharmacists to administering immunizing agents to those 18 or older and now allows pharmacists to give vaccines to anyone 6 months or older.
With the nation in the grip of a severe influenza outbreak that has seen deaths reach epidemic levels, Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a public health emergency for New York State on Saturday, making access to vaccines more easily available.
There have been nearly 20,000 cases of flu reported across the state so far this season, officials said. Last season, 4,400 positive laboratory tests were repo
Flu season in the U.S. has struck early and, in many places, hard. From the Rocky Mountains to New England, hospitals are swamped with people with flu symptoms.
Some medical centers are turning away visitors or making them wear face masks, and one Pennsylvania hospital set up a tent outside its emergency room to deal with the feverish patients.
State Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav Shah recently announced that reported cases of influenza are increasing throughout New York and flu activity in the state is now considered to be widespread.
The center for disease control predicted an early, intense flu season and now it is here. The very young and the very old are at the greatest risk of complications, as are children with asthma and some other underlying health conditions.
This week is National Influenza Vaccination Week. The flu season occurs in the fall and winter, and flu activity usually peaks in January or February, but can occur as late as May.
Otsego County public health is already reporting cases of the flu.
Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently.