Goat Yoga Coming To Your Office In Western New York Soon?Goat Yoga Coming To Your Office In Western New York Soon?What would make your workday better? If you think a perfect workday includes a yoga session with a bunch of goats, we have some good news for you.Brett AlanBrett Alan
Best Walking Trails Ranked By AllTrails!Best Walking Trails Ranked By AllTrails!Looking for a place to walk in Schenectady? Look no further than AllTrails!Dana RaceDana Race
Looking to get active and fit for summer?Looking to get active and fit for summer?Here are 5 things you can do on a daily basis to get you in a routine and increase your physical activityStaffStaff
Norwich YMCA Launches ‘The Better You Challenge’Norwich YMCA Launches ‘The Better You Challenge’The Norwich YMCA has begun its popular 12 week program, “The Better You Challenge”, in which people of all ages can become healthier and lose weight by using all the equipment available at the Norwich YMCA.Jim SargentJim Sargent