SUNY Delhi Students Win International Culinary Cup in Chile!
SUNY Delhi students Carly Yezzo, Matthew Julius, Dan Hess and Carly Yezzo (l-r, photo above) competed in the college division of the Copa Culinaria 2018 competition in Santiago, Chile this week. Teams from around the world competed and the SUNY Delhi team won the gold medal.
"We were proud to represent SUNY Delhi and the USA so well," said Carly Yezzo, a junior. "We worked well together as a team and are thrilled to bring home this victory."
"These three students and their coaches exemplify the best of the best and we are immensely proud of their achievement," said Dr. David Brower, Dean of the School of Business & Hospitality Management. "Their focus, drive, and determination are stellar and reflect the caliber of education our students receive."
In the competition, each team was required to use salmon in the entree and quinoa in the dessert. Delhi's team crafted their dishes with an American flair, using multiple techniques in constructing the entree and featuring peanut butter and jelly in the dessert. Yezzo was responsible for the entree and Julius was in charge of the dessert, while Hess served as an alternate and assistant.
In their critiques, the judges praised Team Delhi's dishes for being perfectly cooked and seasoned with harmonious flavors.