Rabid Bat in Franklin; Free Rabies Clinic Dates Announced
A bat tested positive for rabies in the Town of Franklin. This is the third animal in Delaware
County to test positive for rabies in 2019. Two people and were exposed to the rabies virus, and are being treated for rabies post exposure prophylaxis. No animals were exposed.
Once infected, rabies is a virus that has 100% fatality rate when left untreated, in mammals including humans. The vaccination of dogs, cats, ferrets and livestock is essential to protect animals against rabies. Bats carry rabies in their saliva and may transmit the disease through bites to humans and other animals. Most bats are healthy and can be helpful to humans by consuming insects, but some bats are infected with rabies. Prompt treatment following a bite or exposure can prevent rabies in humans.
Rabid bats may show abnormal behavior, such as outdoor activity during daylight. Rabid bats may be grounded, paralyzed or may bite a person or animal. Not all rabid bats act abnormally, but bats that do are more likely to have rabies. One rabid bat in a colony does not mean the entire colony is infected.
Testing the remaining members of the colony rarely results in finding another rabid bat. Rabid bats rarely attack humans. But, because rabies can occur anywhere and because rabies can be fatal, strictly avoid direct contact with bats. Whenever contact with a bat is suspected, the local health department should be contacted to help evaluate the probability of exposure.
Public Health recommends the following if you or your pet encounters a bat:
First determine if a human, pet or livestock may have had contact with the bat.
If contact occurred, immediately wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.
Seek medical attention and contact your local health department
If you are uncertain or suspect of a person or pet was exposed to a bat, wear thick gloves and wait for it to land and cover the bat with a coffee can. Slide a piece of cardboard under the can trapping the bat. Tape the cardboard tightly to the can. Call the health department for further instructions.
Bats should only be captured if there has been direct contact with a person or pet, or, if
the bat was found in the room of someone who might have been exposed while sleeping
or, found a bat in a room with an unattended child, or see a bat near an intoxicated person
or mentally impaired person.
Keep pets up to date with rabies vaccinations. If your pet has up to date rabies shots, then
all that may be needed is a rabies booster shot within 5 days. Call your veterinarian.
Unvaccinated animals exposed must be quarantined 6 months or euthanized
Under certain circumstances, people can be vaccinated to prevent rabies if exposed to a bat that tested positive for rabies or if the bat is unavailable or bat was untestable.
An exposure to rabies can be fatal for a human or a pet. Vaccination of pets and other
animals represents the best preventive measure available. Be a responsible pet owner by
keeping your pet’s vaccinations current. Public Health recommends that pet owners take
advantage of any of the free remaining rabies clinics in Delaware County.
Walton- August 6, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Walton Highway Garage, 25091 NY-10,
Walton, NY 13856
Roxbury- August 22, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Roxbury Town Garage, 52508 NY-30,
Roxbury, NY 12474
Tompkins- September 4, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Highway Garage, 8586 St. Route
206, Trout Creek, NY
East Branch-September 10, 2019,7PM-8:30PM, East Branch Fire Hall, 29 Bridge St, East
Branch, NY 13756
Delhi- Date To Be Determined, Delhi Fire Hall, 140 Delview Terrace Ext., Delhi, NY
To report a suspected rabid animal call Delaware County Public Health Services at 607-832-5200. For more information call 607-832-5200 or visit our website at