Preview of August 1 ‘This Week in Central NY’
Each Saturday, our community affairs program "This Week in Central New York" provides three interviews with guests from Chenango, Delaware, and Otsego Counties. This show airs on this Townsquare Media stations in the tri-county area from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
This week we'll feature the following guests:
Kayliegh Riordan from Friends of Recovery of Delaware and Otsego Counties
Jaime Alvarez, Senior Director of Marketing & Communications of Girl Scouts of NYPenn Pathways offering Girl Scout programs in 24 counties of New York State and two in Pennsylvania.
Corrine Tompkins of Camp Shankitunk in Delhi
Join us every Saturday morning for this show. If you are a member of a non-profit organization or community group and would like to be interviewed on our show, please email us at cnyproduction@townsquaremedia.com.