Oneonta Unitarians Raise Racial Injustice Awareness
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta will hang a “Black Lives Matter” banner on its building at 12 Ford Avenue in Oneonta on Sunday, May 1st. in an effort to raise awareness about racial injustice. There will be a brief ceremony commemorating the new banner during the service on Sunday. The worship service will start at 10:30 a.m., the banner ceremony will take place at 11:15 a.m. UUSO has invited the Mayor, Police Chief, and other Religious Leaders from Oneonta to join them for this ceremony and the continuing conversation about working for racial justice. Students, faculty, and staff from both colleges in Oneonta; including the Chief of the SUNY University Police and the Hartwick Director of Campus Security, have been invited to attend. All are welcome to attend the service and/or the ceremony.