NYS Comptroller Finds Problems in Audit of Town of Otselic
The New York State Comptrollers Office has released their findings in the audit of the accounting procedures of the Chenago County Town of Otselic. Several items were noted as problematic, and the office has made recommendations to remedy this.
The initial purpose of this audit was to determine whether the Town of Otselic Town Supervisor maintained complete, accurate and timely financial records and reports and to determine whether the Town Board ensured that Town officials did not have prohibited interests in Town contracts.
There were a few key findings which came out of the audit. They included:
A) The Supervisor did not maintain complete, accurate and timely financial records and reports, and the Board did not ensure there were no prohibited conflicts of interest. We also found:
B) The Supervisor did not provide the Board with accurate financial reports and did not record deposits totaling $127,000, cash withdrawals totaling $199,000 and fund transfers totaling $874 in the accounting records. She recorded one deposit for $25,000 twice.
C) The required 2016 through 2019 annual financial reports were not filed with the Office of State Comptroller, as required. As of May 5, 2021, the reports were late and remained unfiled.
D) One Board member had a prohibited interest in the contracts between the Town and his auto parts businesses.
E) The Board did not comply with General Municipal Law by adopting a code of ethics and did not audit the Supervisor’s records, as required.
The Comptroller's Office issued several findings to the above inconsistencies. To read the recommendations offered please CLICK HERE.
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