Norwich High Brings Back Prom For 2021
It is exciting that a lot of our area schools will be having their school proms and prom parties this year. They were certainly missed last year. In Norwich, they are having their prom party on Saturday June 5.
Once again the Chenango Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and Tobacco Free Zone are partnering with the junior and senior classes to present a contest at the after prom party called What I Did Instead of NHS.
Students will be asked to take three photographs of themselves during prom night. One before the party, another during the party and a final photograph after the prom. Students will then post the photos on their social media pages using the hashtag #WhatIDidinsteadNHS.
Prizes will be afforded by judges who will look at all the photographs submitted. The judges will be looking for humor, school spirit, and creative content. The Grand Prize will be a trip to Enchanted Forest theme park for the winning person or group. Prizes will be awarded on June 8.
Kyli Anderson, Coordinator of the Drug Free Communities grant for Norwich High School is excited to offer kudos to kids choosing to stay substance free on prom night. “Anyone who is at the after party is safe. The party provides a fun place for our youth to hang out all night long, with loads of games, food and prizes. We are very lucky to have been invited to participate. The coalitions will have a table with giveaways next to the selfie station provided by Live Entertainment and Norwich High School’s After Prom Committee.”
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