Photo:  Broome/Tioga County History Facebook

An old radio mentor of mine, Joe Campbell, once told me (years ago), "you just can't go wrong with nostalgia."  How true.

Some of the most active posts and galleries we have had over the years contain memories of long-gone restaurants from our youth.

There are hundreds, of course, and we will be looking at groups of them over the course of 2024.  But here are ten to stir your memories.  They could be found everywhere from the Hudson Valley through Central New York and to the Buffalo area.  They range from early steak houses, great hotel dining rooms, corner watering holes, and iconic roadside eateries that have now fallen victim to the wrecking ball.

Each entry of these ten has an old, sentimental photograph attached to it to jog your memory.  And if you have such a memory, we ask that you join us over on our Facebook page and let us all know about it.

My favorite?  Has to be the Red Apple Rest in Tuxedo Park, NY.  I lived way up in the hills of Upstate New York, but my Mom's family lived in Brooklyn, so we made frequent trips down Rt, 17 (before the New York State Thruway) to see her relatives.  A stop at this wild, funky, and eye-popping place was a must for every trip.  Especially in the eyes of a kid. Take a look at the photo and see if you remember it too.

Enjoy and remember, "You just can't go wrong with memories!"

10 Upstate New York Restaurants Gone But Definitely Not Forgotten!

One of the most popular topics we have encountered in all of the years of doing these posts is the nostalgic feelings people have for now long-gone restaurants. We will do more of these in the future. Here are ten great ones to start with!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

"Jackpot!" Ten of Upstate New York's Best Casinos

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio