Forget the calendar.  You just know the snow is blasting away outside and the temperature is on a downward trend.  You know it.  Without even looking.

So, lets all settle down and have a nice cup of homemade soup.  Upstate New York "knows good soup" and this gallery looks at 16 of the very best places for a cup of creamy tomato soup, a steaming bowl of Vietnamese noodle soup, or even a thick bowl of French Onion soup.  You know, the kind that you have to slice the cheese off the top with because it is so thick!  Oh, that sounds so good.

This gallery looks at some real soup gems.  They range from the Hudson Valley to the mountains of the Catskills and Adirondacks, out through Central New York and the Finger Lakes and all the way to Buffalo.  From elegant restaurants to cozy, neighborhood diners, these places do soup, and they do it well!

Obviously, there are hundreds of places that make a good bowl of homemade soup.  So if your favorite "soup destination" did not make this list we encourage you to visit our Facebook page and give it a shout out.  We really do want to hear from you!

So....."soup is ready." Grab the crackers, put the bib on and lets all dig in!

16 Delicious Places in Upstate NY for a Hot Cup of Great Homemade Soup

Snow is blowing, temps are falling and you are thinking, "Yes, it is soup time!" Every restaurant worth their salt makes a good homemade soup around this time of the year. Upstate winters can be rough, and a hot bowl of soup at the local diner or restaurant sure helps the winter's day move along. Here is a sampler of 16 places that serve a delicious hot cup of homemade soup. Of course the list could be over 100, but we like these places, scattered all across the Upstate region, for their taste, creativity, and downright "m-m-m goodness!"

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

Writer Reviews A Dozen Books For Your Upstate New York Library!

There are hundreds and thousands of books that have been written about Upstate New York over the last, say, 200 years. This gallery looks at a dozen of these books. They include monumental classics such as "Last of the Mohicans" by James Fenimore Cooper (published 200 years ago!), and Theodore Dresier's masterpiece "An American Tragedy," about a 1906 Upstate murder. The list also includes a few guidebooks, including my own Upstate "food guidebook." These more slight books, while not legendary classics, sure would fit beautifully in the glove box of your car for your next road warrior journey around Upstate New York!

Each book has a review, where applicable, plus some of my own comments. You will also find ordering information.

This is the first installment of an Upstate New York Book Library gallery which we will continue in the future with other titles.

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio