20 Of Upstate New York’s Most Beautiful College Campuses
This expanded list takes a look at 20 of the most beautiful (and even stunning) college and university campuses found in Upstate New York.
Some of the buildings on these campus grounds date back 200 years or so, the the school's founding. Some are situated on small plots of land, like on urban college that sits on just ten acres. Others are big sprawling campus grounds of 1,000 acres and more. All are beautiful.
The colleges are located from the Hudson Valley to the Adirondacks, Catskills, Central New York, Finger Lakes and far Western New York. They range from the very small (10 acres) campus of Russell Sage College in Troy, all the way up to Paul Smith's College in Franklin County deep in the Adirondacks. It has a campus size of more than 14,000 acres.
If you know of a beautiful and historic college campus that you think is worthy of this list (and one we missed) please give it a shout out over on our Facebook page. We really do want to hear from you!
Are These The 20 Most Stunning College Campuses in Upstate NY?
Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio
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Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio