New Law: Seat Belts Required For All Back Seat Passengers in NY
Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed a new law that requires everyone in a motor vehicle to wear a seat belt, whether you're in the front seat or back.
Under current laws, anyone under 16 must wear a safety belt, and adults in the front seat are also required to buckle up. But, come November 1, even adults in the back seat will have to wear one or face a ticket.
In 1984, it was Cuomo's father, Mario, who first implemented the law required adults in the front of passenger vehicles to wear seat belts. Andrew Cuomo noted that when signing the new bill into law on Tuesday:
"We've known for decades that seat belts save lives and with this measure we are further strengthening our laws and helping to prevent needless tragedies," Governor Cuomo said. "It was under my father's leadership that New York became the first state in the country to pass a seat belt law, and the nation followed his lead. Now we are building upon this legacy and helping to create a safer and stronger Empire State for all."
According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, a ticket for anyone 16 or older not wearing a seat belt can be up to $50, plus the court surcharge fee, which can sometimes exceed the cost of the ticket.
And, a driver who is operating a motor vehicle with a person under the age of 16 not buckled up faces a fine up to $100, plus up to three points on their license.
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