Meet My New “Intern For a Day”: Sophia Giordano!
Big Chuck had a visitor today.
Sophia Giordano, from Rocakaway, New Jersey, visited our radio station today. This precocious 8-year old was spending time at the station with her aunt, Sarah Stalter, who is our administrative assistant.
Sophia did a very professional interview with me on the air. She told me she is looking forward to this summer when she might join cheer leading at her school. She likes the outdoors and really enjoys visiting us all in the "City of the Hills."
Sophia's special talent is rock painting. "I paint little messages on rocks like "have a nice day," or "keep smiling" and then hand them out to people back home. Sometimes I even sell them in yard sales."
Sophia promised me that she wold make me a painted rock before she leaves to go back home. If she has the time that would be great and I will share the photo with everybody!
It was great to have this articulate, bright and very charming 8-year old on the air with me this morning!
Here is our interview: