A surge of pollen that can suddenly close your throat and leave you gasping for air has become a crisis for many backyard warriors across New York State.

We all know how miserable allergy season can be, but the suffering has turned into a health emergency for many New Yorkers this year.

Hudson Valley Residents Left Breathless From High Pollen Count

For as long as I can remember, I've been allergic to tree pollen. Specifically, that nasty green pollen that is released in large clouds from the pine trees surrounding my home. From the middle of May through the middle of June I find myself suffering from sneezing and a runny nose whenever I spend long periods of time in the backyard.

This year, however, something was different.


As I was mowing the yard last week I found myself below that infamous row of pine trees. Just as I was turning around, a gust of wind blew through the trees releasing a huge, green cloud of pollen. As usual, my eyes began to water and my nose immediately became clogged. But then, I started to panic. As I attempted to swallow I felt my throat closing. As I gasped for air, my mouth became suddenly dry and I was unable to talk or even cough.

Drinking some water did no good, so I raced inside for my rescue inhaler and was finally able to clear my airway. While this was something I had never experienced before, I would soon learn that I was not alone.

Experts Warn Pollen is at Higher Than Usual Levels This Year

Accuweather had warned earlier this year that the 2024 tree pollen season would be a doozie. Due to warmer-than-usual conditions, New York has been predicted to see much higher than usual pollen counts. Right now, tree pollen is peaking in the Hudson Valley and allergy sufferers have noticed.


Yesterday I spotted one neighbor walking down the street wearing a facemask, when they approached they explained that they were wearing the protective gear because of the pollen. They shared a story similar to my mowing incident where they were suddenly left breathless after sweeping pollen off their back deck.

It turns out that wearing a mask is actually quite effective. After attempting to mow the lawn again I popped on an old COVID-era mask and it did the trick. While my eyes still watered, I was able to breathe freely while navigating through the pine branches.


The good news is that we're right in the middle of peak pollen right now. Within the next few weeks, we'll see that green haze slowly disappear which should clear up any breathing issues those who are allergic to tree pollen are currently experiencing. In the meantime, keep those windows closed and use caution when breathing in the outdoor air.

Struggling With Seasonal Allergies? Try These Foods

Gallery Credit: Brett Alan

15 Immunity Boosting Foods To Help Fight Allergies

If your daily allergy pill needs some back up, here's a great list.

Gallery Credit: Delish