Hunting For Ice Age Treasure Under The East River
What would you say if I told you that right here in the state of New York, you could potentially live out the old cliche childhood fantasy of searching for a lost treasure?
Intrigued? Good. The following is a fascinating story about how a little over a year ago, one man told the world about an Ice Age "treasure" that years ago was dumped in New York's East River. That Ice Age treasure isn't gold coins or jewels but it is valuable. The treasure is bones, specifically the bones of long-extinct Ice Age creatures, and the man who released this information to the world, is John Reeves.
The Monumental Reveal and Start of the "Bone Rush"
John Reeves for those unaware is a gold miner who owns some of the most intriguing land in all of the world. Mr. Reeves operates his company Fairbanks Gold Company out of Fairbanks, Alaska and on his property, he and his crew have discovered a truly unfathomable amount of remains from long-extinct creatures. The land they have made these discoveries on is called "The Boneyard" and by simply scrolling through his verified Instagram page @theboneyardalaska, you can see post after post after post of all of the incredible finds of everything from Mammoth Tusks to Lion Skulls.
A little over a year ago, just before 2022 became 2023, John Reeves was a guest on an episode of the The Joe Rogan Experience, episode 1918 and on the episode he made the claim that back in the 1940's, the Museum of Natural History had dumped a "box car load" of bones originally from the property in Fairbanks into the East River. The basis for Reeves claim was a draft report written by Richard H. Osborne of the University of Alaska, Robert L. Evander of the American Museum of Natural History and Robert A. Sattler of the Tanana Chiefs.
The video below is a portion of the JRE episode 1918 where Mr. Reeves made the original announcement that kicked off what he described as the "Bone Rush". Be aware that the video does feature some strong language.
At around the 4:20 mark in the clip, Reeves makes the announcement that the bones were dumped off East River Drive, now known as FDR Drive at about 65th Street. Following the announcement, divers began flocking to the East River in their attempt to find the bones. The task however is not easy; an article from CBS News detailed one divers experience. In addition, following Reeves announcement the Museum of Natural History refuted Reeves claims stating...
We do not have any record of the disposal of these fossils in the East River, nor have we been able to find any record of this report in the museum's archives or other scientific sources...
Confirmation a Year in the Making
Flash forward a year after the original announcement and claims by John Reeves and he once again appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience, with new information regarding the Bone Rush and the East River. Below is a clip from Reeves second appearance on the JRE episode 2080. Again, be aware the clip contains strong language.
In the video clip, John goes on to explain that since his first appearance on the JRE a year ago, divers have found bones around the exact location he gave in the East River. The main individual he credits with the finds goes by @dirtywaterdon on Instagram but his real name is Donald Gann. Gann is also a star on the Discovery Channel TV show 'Sewer Divers' and on their most recent dive in the river, they found a Steppe Bison Tibia.
Now of course, the finds up to now aren't mega-millions worthy; however it does add credibility that other people have been able to take the information he gave away, use it and be able to find something at the bottom of that river.
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Kinda like gold mining, once you strike gold, it becomes worth it to keep going back to the same spot until it's tapped. Maybe in this case that means that the biggest treasure in the river is yet to be found.
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