It seemed like it was only a matter of time, and now the moment is finally here. Pancake ice has arrived in New York.

The freezing temperatures in the state have created more than a few once-in-a-lifetime experiences. From the massive 23-foot snowman created in upstate New York to the countless winter carnivals, it's hard to know where to start.

"Pancake Ice" can now be seen on several New York lakes, including Lake Ontario (John Kucko Digital via Facebook)
"Pancake Ice" can now be seen on several New York lakes, including Lake Ontario (John Kucko Digital via Facebook)

"Pancake Ice" Has Finally Arrived in New York State

Pancake ice, which this New Yorker hadn't heard of until last week, is an odd weather phenomenon caused by the combination of low temperatures and specific currents in local rivers and lakes.

Pancake ice is formed when it's cold enough for water to freeze, but warm enough not to form an entire sheet (John Kucko Digital via Facebook)
Pancake ice is formed when it's cold enough for water to freeze, but warm enough not to form an entire sheet (John Kucko Digital via Facebook)

What Is Pancake Ice?

Pancake ice is exactly what is sounds like: ice that has frozen into the shape of a tasty breakfast treat. Slush is swirled and churned near shorelines in temperatures that are cold enough to freeze, but warm enough not to create one singular ice sheet. Now, you can see the unique formations in New York.

"Pancake ice" was spotted on Lake Champlain at Leddy Beach (Rachel Mann/ WHOI Comms)
"Pancake ice" was spotted on Lake Champlain at Leddy Beach (Rachel Mann/ WHOI Comms)

Pancake Ice on Lake Champlain in New York State

Recently, Lake Champlain became one of the first hosts of pancake ice in New York State (above). Pancake ice was also spotted along the shores of Lake Ontario in Huron, NY, creating a mesmerizing pattern on the water (below).

New York winters can be difficult to endure without fun distractions like pancake ice and even ice and snow sculptures. Check out some amazing examples of frozen creativity below.

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Incredibly Lifelike Ice Sculptures Made by New York Man

Gallery Credit: Brian Cody TSM Albany