Is there any sort of truth to the saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day?" Honestly, we don't know. But, we do know where you can find the cheapest breakfast in all of New York State.

MSN published a list highlighting "the best cheap breakfast spots in every state." Nationwide we might not agree politically, but we can all agree on amazing breakfast at affordable prices. Who did they pick for New York State?

Where Can You Find The Cheapest Breakfast In New York State?

The winner has us taking a full gas tank trip to New York City. The winner is Reben Luncheonette 'Morir Soñando' in Brooklyn:

This community staple is known for its Dominican-American offerings. The famed drink here is Morir Soñando, made with fresh-squeezed orange juice, milk, and sweet additions that create a drink reminiscent of an orange dreamsicle. The home fries and the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches are also popular choices.

Looking at their menu online, there isn't an item listened over $12. Meals start at $1 and can vary up to $7.

Delicious New York Breakfast Food Challenge is One You Want to Beat

There are food challenges all across the United States that'll make you drool at the mouth. They draw in hungry stomachs from all over, with only a select few actually able to persevere and beat the challenge. But did you hear about this one in Central New York?

Second Chance Diner in Camillus is proud to announce the addition of Eddie's Ultimate Breakfast Challenge to their menu. Take everything you love about breakfast and throw it onto one plate. Now that's A LOT to stick your fork into.

You can read more online here about that.

15 Lovely Upstate New York Restaurants For Your Breakfast Routine

Thanks to everyone in the 315 Menus Facebook page, for suggesting these top locations for getting breakfast in the Mohawk Valley. Have you tried any of them? What should we order? Let us know inside our station app.

Biggest And Best Breakfast Burritos In Central New York

Who makes some of the biggest and best breakfast burritos in the Mohawk Valley and Central New York? We took suggestions off of Facebook, and in particular the 315 Menus Facebook group, and decided to highlight the top of the list. Here's where people find the biggest and best breakfast burritos:

From 19th Century Cow & Hay Barn to Spectacular Bed & Breakfast in Ilion

This 10,578 sq. ft, 6 bedrooms and 7-1/2 baths converted barn is on 32 picturesque acres of woodlands with numerous trails, and three spring-fed ponds perfect for swimming, fishing, and skating.