Christmas is a little over a month away, and if your kids would like to personally tell Santa about their Christmas wishes this year, he'll be coming soon!

We are all waiting for Santa's big night on December 25th, but in order to get ready for that night, Santa will be making a stop in Hamburg, NY with one of his elves from the North Pole.

Santa Claus is coming on a real train

If your kids love trains, they're going to love that Santa is going to be coming to town on a real one this year.  It's a special holiday train and its arrival is being coordinated by Artcraft Toy Trains in partnership with the Buffalo Southern Railroad.

Where will Santa be making a stop?

Santa is planning to meet and greet children inside the historic Erie Railroad Depot in the Village of Hamburg at the corner of Scott and Union Streets (4 Scott Street), at 9:30am on November 25th.  That's just two days after Thanksgiving and about one month before Christmas.

Bring your cameras for some free pictures with Santa

They're encouraging moms and dads, and grandmas and grandpas to bring their own cameras to get free photos with the big guy.  How often does that happen these days?  Visiting Santa can turn into an expensive visit if you aren't careful.  But these photos (with your camera) are free.

You might also want to get there early to see him pulling into the station.  He will meet with children throughout the day until 3pm.


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Gallery Credit: Brett Alan

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