Farming is a ridiculously difficult job.  Starting in 2024, New York State is going to be changing the rules for farmers who work overtime.

Many occupations have a threshold for when extra pay will be offered for extra work.  In New York, for most occupations, that's 40 hours a week.  After they've worked their 40 hours, they'll get "overtime pay" or "extra hours pay."

It's not the same for farmers.  If you're a farmer you know that when the sun is shining, you're probably working...and sometimes long after the sun has set, you're still working.  As it stands right now, farmers have a 60 hour threshold before "overtime" can kick in.  So they have to work 60 hours in a week before they are even eligible for overtime.

In October, a group in the New York State Assembly petitioned Governor Kathy Hochul to lower the threshold that currently stands for farmers to receive overtime.  As it stands right now, farmers have to work 60 hours before overtime can kick in.  The new rule will allow overtime after 56 hours starting on January 1, 2024.  It will be lowered to 40 hours by 2032.

The question is if this will help or hurt the farming industry.  The workers might make more money but if farm owners have to pay more for their labor, will they be able to make ends meet to keep those farms up and running?

The governor's budget plan is proposing tax credits for the farmers.  They could see credits of $1200 per employee.  There is also a refundable overtime tax credit.

Will it be enough?

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