JUST IN: Major Law In Affect In New York State
As of midnight, there is a law that has gone in to affect here in New York State.
The weather is ideal for outdoor work here in New York State this week and there is a law that landowners and homeowners need to keep in mind.
This mild stretch of weather has also brought drier than normal conditions and residents have been using the good weather to clean up the sticks and trees that were toppled from the strong winds of January. Burning them now is fine. However, a deadline is looming here in New York State.
Here in New York State, in an effort to protect precious forests, woodlands and local residences, there is an annual burn ban that is in place.
Annual burn ban is in effect from March 16 through May 14.
The New York State DEC reminds everyone that although burning is a quick and efficient way to get rid of downed sticks, limbs and debris...
When you plan a fire, always check for fire danger in your area on DEC's online map (updated every week). Also, local governments may have stricter rules than NYS; your fire department will have information about local burning laws.