Is Workplace Marijuana Testing Done In New York State? Labor Department Makes Law Changes

With the legalization of recreational marijuana use in New York State, the Department of Labor has announced that employers are no longer permitted to test workers for evidence of using the plant according to marijuanamoment.net. In addition, employers can not test prospective employees.
Federal government employees and those with federal job requirements can still be tested as can those under 21 or who are independent contractors.
It remains to be seen how this will impact the workplace. Employers who suspect someone of being impaired due to marijuana use will have a tough time it seems providing evidence of it under the new rules.
Meanwhile, municipalities across the state are considering whether or not to allow marijuana dispensaries to open up in their town. Locally, the Norwich Common Council has decided to postpone voting on allowing marijuana dispensaries to operate within city limits. According to WICZ, the council is favoring approval of marijuana sales but making on-site consumption illegal. Under New York State law, municipalities have to opt-in or out on sales and consumption by the end of the year.
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