Inspiring Documentary- ‘Rising from Ashes’ Coupled With Cooperstown Bike Ride
By: Kelli Whitman (Town Square Media Intern)
The Glimmerglass Film Days will be showing the feature documentary, Rising from Ashes on October 16th at 2:30 p.m, at the Louis C. Jones Center at The Farmers’ Museum in Cooperstown. The film shares the inspiring story of the first Rwandan National cycling team, and the struggles they faced as they emerged into the international cycling world. Many of the team members were survivors of genocide and had to overcome many challenges throughout their lives. Rising from Ashes Foundation was created after the film’s release to fund cycling teams in Rwanda, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and other African nations. Following the film, there will be a question and answer session hosted by Steve Smith and Marc Kingsley who are local competitive cyclists. Tickets to this event are $5.
The Otsego Regional Cycling Advocates (ORCA) will also be leading two group bike rides around Otsego Lake on earlier that day, beginning at 9:30 a.m. It is a 24 mile bike ride and will finish by 11:30 a.m. Group A/B will stay at a pace of 17-19 mph, while group B/C will stay at a pace of 15-17 mph. A family ride of 5-10 miles may be added. For updates, go to glimmerglassfilmdays.org. Anyone interested should meet at the Clark Sports Center (124 County Road 52, Cooperstown) at 9:15 a.m. The ride costs $5 and all proceeds support the work of the ORCA.