Hundreds Pack Sidney for Annual All-Alumni Reunion
One thing our area does and does well is the all-alumni reunions. I have been to several communities when they have celebrated the return of graduates from their schools. I have been to the Oneonta alumni weekend several times and it is, in a word, epic. Almost all communities in our tri-county listening area hold these fun weekends and my own school, Sidney Central School, does a great job with it for sure.
This past weekend I had the pleasure of being a part of the Sidney All-Alumni Weekend. Hundreds attended and the three day event was filled with fun, sports, nostalgia, good food, music and dancing, and commemorations.
Friday was the all-alumni golf tournament at the Sidney Country Club, and it was a sell-out as usual. That was followed by a large dance and mixer at the Sidney Elks Club which stretched well into the night.
Saturday morning I was honored to join my siblings as the D'Imperio family hosted over 100 people for a community breakfast at the new Sidney Community Cultural Center (formerly the Congregational Church). This fine building will be a great new addition to Sidney's revitalized downtown business district.
A raucous corn hole tournament was held at the Awestruck Cidery and then many former students peeled off to celebrate their milestone graduation year dates with friends who came from far and wide.
Sunday saw memorial services and the Wall of Fame luncheon which honors select alumni for their career achievements. All events in the weekend drew large crowds.
Congratulations to Sidney for a fine weekend. If you have an alumni weekend coming up in your town you really should go. They are great fun, you never know who you will run into, and it only comes around once a year. And like I always say. Who is the most important person at an alumni weekend?
The person who makes out the name tags!
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KEEP READING: Scroll to see what the big headlines were the year you were born