Heart Association Cautions on COVID-19 Complications
The American Heart Association advises those who have heart or cardiovascular concerns to be extremely cautious during the COVID-19 pandemic. As more is learned about the effects of the Coronavirus health experts believe anyone who is dealing with heart problems is of greater risk of suffering more serious effects of the Coronavirus.
In a press release from the American Stroke Association it states that "based on current information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) it appears people 65 and older and people of any age with underlying medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are more likely to be infected and to develop more severe symptoms. Stroke survivors may face increased risk for complications if they get COVID-19."
Representatives from the American Stroke Association caution that with the Coronavirus keeping people home more than ever and often not around many if any other people stroke symptoms may go unnoticed. People who exhibit stroke symptoms often are warned by others who recognize the signs of stroke and seek medical attention for the victims.
The American Stroke Association lists the warning signs of stroke by using the letters
F- Faced drooping
A- Arm weakness
S- Speech difficulty
T- Time to call 9-1-1
The American Heart Association also cautions that some symptoms of a heart attack may also be symptoms related to the Coronavirus. With the Coronavirus symptoms can include difficulty breathing and shortness of breath which are also signs of a heart attack.
In suspected cases of stroke or heart attack the American Heart Association says call 9-1-1 immediately. Emergency Responders can help save lives with quick action.
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