Having a Super Bowl Party? UHS Says Better Think Again
UHS and Ascension Lourdes would like to remind everyone that the spread of COVID-19 remains high in our community. It's important that we all remain vigilant and continue to stay away from large gatherings that could promote the spread of the virus. This includes Super Bowl parties in our own homes and other locations.
We all honor our sports teams and traditions, both locally and nationally, but please be aware that this year we should not be celebrating any of these events, such as the Super Bowl, with gatherings of friends and extended family. Also, avoid sharing communal foods and don't remove your mask to eat when other people are nearby. These large gatherings are super-spreaders of COVID-19. Our local hospitals and healthcare organizations continue to fight the virus every day.
Please help us by doing your part and don't attend parties or local gatherings for celebrations. Plus, continue to remain vigilant and social-distance, wear masks and practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands and using hand sanitizer. This will give us all the best chance of turning the corner on the pandemic.
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