“Happy, Healthy & Wise” Workshops at Delaware Valley Hospital
“Happy, Healthy and Wise” Workshops To Be Offered at Delaware Valley Hospital
Learn new coping skills for chronic conditions! “Happy, Healthy and Wise” is a free, six session workshop on how you can reduce the fear, stress and pain associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, heart or lung problems, diabetes, chronic pain, or stress and anxiety.
These 6 free, interactive workshops will also help you deal with fatigue, make better nutrition and exercise choices, and get a better night's sleep. They will also help you discover ways to be better able to speak with your doctor and family about your condition and set realistic goals and plans to improve your health and your life. Some past participants have commented, “I got to communicate with others…and got ideas from them which I have applied to my own situation;” “I am more patient with myself and others;” “It is a very useful class and you learn a lot of new things that can help you with your health;” “…the class was presented in a very friendly and positive way.”
You will have the opportunity to work and learn from others who share similar health concerns. All attendees will receive the Living a Healthy Life book and healthy snacks and have fun! This practical program can show you how a nutritious diet, the right kind of exercise and stress-reduction methods truly can help you to live happier, healthier and wiser.
The Happy, Healthy and Wise Workshops are free of charge and held once a week, over a 6 week period and will be held on Mondays, beginning on September 23 through October 28. The program will be offered either Mornings 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Afternoons 1:00-3:30 p.m. or Evenings 5:00-7:30 p.m. Actual time of the seminar is dependent on the preference of those calling in to register. All sessions will be held at the UHS Delaware Valley Hospital Finance Building, Wellness Room, 20 West Street, Walton and are limited to 15 in each group. You can register by calling 607-865-2706.
These workshops are the local implementation of Stanford University's evidence-based, Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and the leaders have all completed Stanford University training.