Edmeston Museum Presents Kristopher Convis, “LEGO Car” Contest Winner
Beginning February 2nd, the Edmeston Museum will be featuring vintage cars made of LEGOS. The award-winning LEGO creations were made by Kristopher Convis, a 12 year old 7th grader at Edmeston Central School. There will be an opening reception on February 2nd from 9 a.m. to 12n at the museum. The exhibit will be open throughout February including Saturday, February 16th, 9 a.m. to 12n and Wednesday, February 13th and February 27th, 6-8 p.m.
Convis took part in the LEGO Car Show sponsored by the Northeast Classic Car Museum in Norwich where he won first prize, for his age group, with a red 1962 Volkswagon camper van. This van and some of his other LEGO creations (a Ford F-150, a Ford Mustang GT40, a Chevy Corvette, etc.) will be on display at the Edmeston Museum, 1 North Street, Edmeston, NY. Most recently, he completed a green British Mini-Cooper.
LEGO creations are just one of Kristopher’s activities. As a student at Edmeston Central, Kris participates in modified soccer, sings in chorus and plays percussion in the band. Also, he takes part in the Easter and Christmas holiday plays at the Second Baptist Church. His other collections include Hot Wheel cards, railroad post cards, etc.
Join us for the opening of this unique view of auto history by local talent, Kristopher Convis, on Saturday, February 2nd! The Edmeston Museum is located at 1 North Street, Edmeston, NY