When you jump in your car to travel somewhere in the Capital Region, more times than not, you'll have to drive over *something*. Whether it's another road or a body of water, there are countless bridges that connect every route in Upstate New York and beyond.

Not all of those bridges, however, are still safe.

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A branch of the Department of Travel, the Federal Highway Administration collects data on all bridges across the country, and publishes said data as part of their National Bridge Inventory.

The Federal Highway Administration considers a number of factors in determining a bridge's safety: Deck, Superstructure Rating, Substructure Rating and more. All of these factors are condensed down into one number, a "grade" given out of a perfect 100.0.

This number is called a bridge's sufficiency rating, and the website BridgeReports.com tracks the sufficiency rating of every bridge in the United States. So, I sorted the list of every bridge in New York by their sufficiency rating, and took a look at the most dangerous ones.

Here are the ten bridges in the Capital Region with the lowest sufficiency ratings, which are therefore considered, the most dangerous.

Don't Look Down! The Capital Region's Ten Most Dangerous Bridges

The Federal Highway Administration provides data on the safety of bridges, and gives each a score. Here are the ten Capital Region bridges with the lowest scores.

The One-Star Reviews for NY's Castleton Bridge are Brutal!

From accidents, to construction, to poor design, travelers have been roasting the New York Thruway's Castleton-on-Hudson Bridge in these one-star reviews online.

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